The Canadian Bison Association has available a variety of marketing materials to assist producers. To place an order, contact the Canadian Bison Association. Prices do not include GST & shipping.
$2.00 was $3.50
CBA shipping boxes 12x12x12 (English and French)
5" X 5" square Vehicle Window Sticker
Self Sticking Meat Labels "Do Not Overcook"
Boîtes d’expédition en carton robuste de marque avec logo CBA
Étiquettes de viande - Ne pas trop cuire + Logo CBA
1000 par rouleau
CBA Logo Shipping Boxes and Biodegradable Insulation. Pick up Only - Shipping available but order must be placed through the office to make arrangements
CBA Cooler Bag
Record of Movement of Bison
$0.00 was $0.00
Pamphlets on Premise Identification numbers, Traceability - Consumer confidence pamphlet & Traceability in Canada Securing our Future