Our History
The bison industry in Canada is only almost 40 years old. The profile and growth of the industry can be attributed to the men and women who had the vision and saw an opportunity to develop an industry around an animal that through centuries of evolution is well suited to the Canadian landscape and variable and sometimes harsh climate. These historical highlights are an attempt to capture part of the history of the Canadian Bison Association.
Every attempt was made to ensure that the information is accurate. We know that some significant events have been missed and important leaders in the industry may have been excluded. For those who have information that should have been included, please forward the information to us. We also recognize that there are many stories that could be included about the activities of the past 40 years – send us these stories – the people, important dates and other information that you believe should be part of the Canadian Bison Association’s history.
To learn more about Our History click here.