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Partners and Sponsors of the SBA

Our Partners

Saskatchewan Forage Council http://www.saskforage.ca/

Saskatchewan Forage Network http://www.saskforage.ca/index.php/sfn.html

Farm and Food Care Saskatchewanhttps://farmfoodcaresk.org/

The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association http://www.saskbeef.com/

The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association http://skstockgrowers.com/

Western Beef Development Centrehttp://westernbeef.org/

Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan http://www.apas.ca/

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities https://sarm.ca/

Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame http://www.sahf.ca/

Agriculture in the Classroom https://aitc.sk.ca/

Our Sponsors

Friends of the Industry

Milligan Bio https://milliganbio.com/