SBA Annual Conference, AGM & Breeding Stock Sale
31st Annual Saskatchewan Bison Association Convention
March 25th& 26th
Gallagher Centre Yorkton Saskatchewan
Home Inn & Suites 306-782-7829
Thursday, March 24: Animals arrive
Friday, March 25
1:00 Registration
1:30 Welcome (Avery Shepherd)
2:00 Meat Sale Regulations- Chris Smith (Ministry of Agriculture), Kelsie Dale
(Ministry of Health)
2:30 Whit Hibbard, Stockmanship Journal- an introduction to low stress bison
3:30 Wrap-up, view animals and people vote on the top bull 5:00 Cocktails
5:30 Supper
7:00 Awards followed by the founding member panel (past, present, and future,
open forum)
8:00 Fun auction
Social until midnight
Saturday, March 26 9:30 Sign in for AGM
10:00 AGM and show and sale meeting
11:00 Sponsors have the opportunity to speak to delegates 12:00 Lunch
1:00 Chris Beaudry, “Do I Know What I Know? A Discussion On Mental Health” 2:00 Producer panel on genetics and carcass quality (Paul Kolesar, Robert Johnson, Nolan Miller)
3:00 Closing remarks
3:30 View animals
5:00 Cocktails
6:00 Supper
8:00 Sale
Social to follow until midnight